Over the past couple of months, you’ve probably felt some confusion while trying to follow the news. Certain states are open again while others are taking it slow. Some countries have declared the virus totally under control while others fear it could start spreading again.
It’s hard to keep track of it all. But in the midst of this ever-changing world, one thing’s for sure: Your generosity has helped save lives around the globe.
From delivering diapers in the Dominican Republic to providing food for starving families in Rwanda, your gifts have brought help and hope to people in the world’s most impoverished communities. You’ve delivered lifesaving aid at exactly the moment when they needed it most.

Here’s are just a few of the ways your generosity has made an impact worldwide during the coronavirus pandemic:
Dominican Republic
Edward and Doris welcomed their baby boy into the world March 26. It was the first week the number of coronavirus cases had begun to spike in the Dominican Republic and just days after Edward had lost his job due to the lockdown.
With no way of providing for their newborn, these first-time parents feared the days ahead. They had no diapers. No formula. No food. But then an unexpected blessing arrived. Thanks to you and other compassionate donors, this small family received the essentials they needed — groceries, baby items, and more.
“Thank you so much,” Doris said. “Glory to God for you!”
With more than 10,000 confirmed coronavirus cases, this island nation is still under a state of emergency. People can’t work, and they are struggling to feed their families.
Families like Edward and Doris’ would still be starving and desperate for help if it weren’t for your gifts. Thank you for helping to make sure people have nutritious food and other essentials during this pandemic.

India and Nepal
Many people in India’s urban areas live in overcrowded slums where it’s difficult to practice safe social distancing. Because of this, they were especially grateful that your gifts helped provide masks and sanitizers to help prevent the spread of the virus.
Your gifts also helped make sure that these families didn’t go hungry.
“During the past week, we blessed 120 families of slum children with some essential groceries,” one of our India partners said. “Each family received rice, [legumes], sugar, tea leaves, cooking oil, and soap.” In another area of India, you helped provide rice and other basic essentials to 1,200 people.
In nearby Nepal, over 3,200 have received emergency food — in large part, because of your generosity!
“Please kindly extend our heartfelt thanks to the donors who have opened their hearts and hands to give so generously while the whole world has been going through the pandemic of COVID-19,” the staff in Nepal said.
Now, families all across South Asia have food on the table and hygiene kits to stay clean. Thank you for giving!

“Bishop, I am dying.”
That’s what Andre told our Rwanda partner when he called him. Andre is a hard worker and a father to three beautiful children. He used to work in an auto shop, fixing people’s tires as they traveled along Rwanda’s bumpy roads … until the coronavirus took away his livelihood.
“We have no food,” Andre said. “I have nothing to put on the table. I haven’t been working.”
Without any income, his family couldn’t eat. Thankfully, your giving helped provide Andre’s family with some much-needed food. His wife and children will no longer go to bed hungry!
Your gifts have also opened doors for people to experience God’s love. “Everything that happens bring an opportunity to share the Gospel,” our partner said. “When you meet the needs of a person, then their ears hear you better. They hear the Gospel better.”
So, you’ve helped make an eternal difference too!

In Nicaragua, your gifts have helped make it possible for 135 families to receive several weeks’ worth of food and brought tremendous comfort to people like Cristina.
Cristina is used to barely scraping by. Her husband is gone, and her children have now grown up and moved away. She makes a little money from doing her neighbors’ laundry and selling homemade tamales in the market, but that hasn’t been possible since the coronavirus began.
When our partners learned about Cristina’s situation, she had nothing but corn to eat in her house, and she was on her way to severe malnutrition. As they arrived with the food that you helped provide, tears of gratitude rolled down her cheeks.
She could barely get out the words to say “thank you” for the generosity you had shown her.
This is just one example of the incredible blessing your giving has been for people in need all around the globe!

Your gifts have, without a doubt, helped save lives. And they continue to do so! Right now, there are shipping containers filled with medical supplies, food, and other emergency coronavirus relief on their way to Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. And it’s possible only because you and other generous donors chose to act.
If you’d like to help rescue even more people during this global crisis, you can provide additional coronavirus relief here. Thanks to a matching gift from World Help Board members, your donation will DOUBLE to impact 2X as many people around the world.
“A neighbor does not mean someone who is next door,” our Rwanda partner said. “A neighbor is one who feels your need and who supports you in your time of need.” So, thank you for providing lifesaving aid to people who need it most during these uncertain times.
Thank you for being a good neighbor.
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