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The Persecuted Church | A Calling for Prayer

Blog Team
Sep 29, 2013

November 3 is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, a critical gathering of the global body of Christ for collective prayer.

Over the past 2,000 years, 70 million Christians are estimated to have died for their faith—65 percent in the last century alone. Today, believers in 60 countries are experiencing persecution just for believing in Christ. These forms of harassment go beyond just discrimination. They are intentional, malicious acts of religious intolerance that violate basic human rights.

religious persecution

In North Korea, following Christ is illegal and offenders are publicly executed or sent to heavy labor camps where they are literally worked to death. Christian families in Laos are seized and held without trial, while their churches are openly destroyed. Conversion to Christianity in Yemen means blatant social discrimination and brutal harassment from extremist groups. The list is harrowing and endless . . .

What can we do for these Christians?

The most powerful form of advocacy for persecuted Christians is prayer. In fact, the power of this day is undeniable for our brothers and sisters undergoing physical, emotional, and spiritual turmoil. World Help has personally received report after report of gratitude from believers who knew we were praying.

international day of prayer persecuted church

Think about that. Our prayers are felt by oppressed Christians.

We can’t support each one physically, but they are surrounded by the power of the Holy Spirit through our prayers. Alone, we could not give a greater source of comfort for believers undergoing extreme duress.

World Help is asking you to stand with us on November 3 as we support our suffering brothers and sisters with prayer. Here’s how we can do it:

  1. Download our free informational sheet and share it with your church.
  2. Spread the word about the International Day of Prayer and encourage others to join you.
  3. On November 3, pray for the encouragement, renewal, and endurance of the persecuted church.

But you don’t have to wait till November 3 to start praying . . . begin now, today! We can make a daily commitment to uphold those who sacrifice so much for the sake of the Gospel—even their lives.

Your prayers will yield strategic support and the mobilization of Christ’s love all around the world.

Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” – Hebrews 13:3

Want to go the next step? Give a copy of God’s Word to a Christian undergoing persecution. For $5, you can provide a precious source of comfort and hope that will make an impact for eternity.

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