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Gift Catalog4 min read


Christmas shoes: It’s not just a song

Kelsey Campbell
Nov 02, 2020

Johncy’s feet were cut, bruised, dirty, and blistered.

Walking anywhere often caused her to wince with every step. Of course, she had shoes at one point, but now that she’s 15, she’s outgrown the pair that were barely held together anyway.

Johncy lives in a poor village in India. Every day she walks through dusty roads, dodging litter and potholes, running errands for her mother or heading to school. Without shoes, her feet became filthy by the afternoon. And, during the rainy season when she’d come home wet and cold, she always seemed to get sick.

Then one day, Johncy received a wonderful gift … one that would change her life for the better. She received a pair of shoes.

Now, Johncy can safely walk to school.

“The beautiful shoes have helped me keep my feet clean and out of harm,” Johncy said. “The wounds I got from walking without proper shoes are healing and very comfortable now. Thank you!”

You can give shoes to another child who desperately needs them this holiday season. For only $25 you can help give shoes to a child living in poverty, and that gift can open up more doors for him.

Most kids in third world countries can’t attend school if they don’t have shoes because bare feet are against the dress code. So, when you give shoes, you’re also giving the gift of education. And, by protecting their feet, you’re keeping a child healthy and safe from injury and illness.

Not only that, but you’re giving a gift that will put a huge smile on a boy or girl’s face.

For kids here in America, receiving shoes or clothing for Christmas isn’t as thrilling as a new toy or gadget. But for kids like Johncy and Lalremruot, receiving a new pair of shoes is one of the best gifts they could receive.

Eight-year-old Lalremruot also lives in India and was overjoyed when he opened up his box of new shoes.

 “I love the new shoes,” Lalremruot said. “They are very beautiful. I will not hurt my feet anymore. And even when it rains my feet won’t get wet anymore. I am very happy!”  

Both Lalremruot’s and Johncy’s lives have been drastically improved with the simple gift of shoes. But there are other children in places like India, Guatemala, Uganda who can’t go to school because their feet are still bare. They get sick often from walking through puddles and getting infected cuts from sharp rocks.  

For $25, you can help give shoes to a child in need and better a life in so many ways.

You won’t just make their Christmas … you’ll make their entire year!

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