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Child Sponsorship2 min read


A Bond Across Oceans | Tracey’s Sponsorship Story

Melissa Schultz
May 19, 2016

At a young age, Tracey Trigg vowed that when she grew up, she would do something to make a difference in a child’s life.

Years later, when the Children of the World International Children’s Choir came to sing at her church, she knew that sponsoring a child was what God wanted her to do.

“The Lord knew I always wanted a daughter, and He truly gave me the desires of my heart. It did not matter that she lived across the world in Uganda. At the age of 8, Patricia was part of our family. We loved and prayed for her.”

After eight years of sponsorship, Tracey and her husband, Lawrence, traveled to meet Patricia for the first time.

“I was finally going to be able to hug my Patricia. We have spoken often over the years, through pictures, letters, and cards. But I was excited that I would finally get to hear my daughter’s voice.”

When Tracey and Lawrence walked through the gates of Destiny School, they were told Patricia was waiting to meet them in a nearby building.

World Help Tracey Meeting Sponsored Child

“Walking up to the building, my eyes locked in on a young lady. How beautiful she looked. I knew right away she was my Patricia. I started to cry. My husband walked over to Patricia and introduced himself to her and explained that I was crying happy tears. He then brought her to me and we stood there and hugged and cried. I didn’t want to let her go. I finally had my daughter who I had watched grow through pictures, standing there taller than me. She has a beautiful smile, sweet spirit, and an angelic voice.”

After spending a few hours talking and getting to know each other better, Tracey asked Patricia if there was anything she wanted that she didn’t have. She responded, “A Bible.” More tears came to Tracey’s eyes as she pulled out the Bible she had brought to Uganda specifically for Patricia . . . the two women read from Psalms together.

“I got to see her interact with the little ones and how she cared for them. Right away, I knew she had a servant’s heart. I was able to see where she went to school, slept, ate, and played. I got to meet her closest friends, which also was a treat.”

World Help Tracey Sponsored Child

Although her trip to Uganda flew by too quickly, Tracey is grateful she finally got to meet her “daughter.”

“When it came time to leave, I had such a peace in my heart because I knew she and all the other children are cherished and loved. I have learned so much through the eight years of sponsoring Patricia. I am investing in her life, in her present, and her future.”

Today, Tracey feels confident that sponsorship not only makes a difference in a child’s life, but also meets their spiritual needs.

“What better way to show God’s unconditional love than through sponsoring a child? Sponsorship gives them a chance at life, a chance to succeed, a chance to go to college, a chance to do great things. Most importantly, they have a relationship with Jesus!”



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