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Child Sponsorship3 min read


A few of your favorite things

Kelsey Campbell
Oct 17, 2018

Most of us know these lyrics from one of the most famous songs in The Sound of Music:

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things.

I believe this song is treasured because people love sharing what makes them happy. The music is not only relatable and upbeat, but it reminds us of things we are thankful for — no matter how small.

So when you’re trying to relate to your sponsored child, share with him or her some of your favorite things. You might be surprised to find out how much you both have in common.

And our latest child sponsorship resource can help you do just that! This downloadable template is very similar to one that your sponsored child filled out with his or her favorite color, sport, and subject in school. Now you get to return the favor.

Just click here to download the “My favorite things” worksheet, fill it out, and mail it in an envelope addressed to:

[Sponsored Child’s name and ID #]
c/o World Help Child Sponsorship Program
P.O. Box 501
Forest, VA 24551

Here are a few reasons sharing your favorites can improve your relationship with your sponsored child:

1. It gives you a way to connect

Even something as simple as knowing your favorite color can help your sponsored child feel closer to you. When drawing a picture for you, he or she will be proud to pick a color you like. Your favorite color is green? Your sponsored child may color you a forest of trees. Your favorite color is pink? You might see a bouquet of roses next time you receive your child’s artwork.

Many children may feel more comfortable sending you pictures rather than writing letters, anyway. And this is an easy way to make that experience more personal for them.

2. It helps your sponsored child picture you

How we spend our time is a great indication of who we are as individuals. So whether you spend your free time reading, gardening, or going on hikes with your children, your favorite pastimes will help your sponsored child picture you throughout the day.

Many children love sports, so if you played basketball in high school or if you really love watching soccer, be sure to include those details. Not only will your sponsored child know you better, but he or she will realize you’re not so different even though you live hundreds of miles apart.

3. It brings you to your sponsored child’s mind often

Your sponsored child already loves you so much and thinks about you often. But when he or she knows some of your favorites, everyday activities can also bring you to mind.

If your child remembers that your favorite meal is chicken, he or she may get extra excited when chicken is for dinner. If you say that your favorite holiday is Christmas or Easter, he or she may think to say a special prayer for you on that day.

4. Another reason to fill out the “My favorite things” worksheet is because your sponsored child loves getting mail from you!

So if you’re ready to fill out the template now, be sure to click the button below to download it.

And check back next month to receive another free resource to send to your sponsored child. If you missed last month’s, you can still download it here.

Thank you for caring for your sponsored child all year long. The bond between a sponsor and a child is truly something special, and we hope you take advantage of this opportunity to grow even closer.

So be sure to send your sponsored child a letter today!


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