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Act now and send 2X as many Bibles to North Korea!

Blog Team
Dec 17, 2017

This year, North Korea has constantly been in the news. From the missile testing to the soldier who was shot as he tried to defect, it’s clear that tensions are high. And when our team was on the ground at the North Korean border earlier this year, we learned the regime recently took a census to find and crack down on Christians living in the country.

But, despite persecution, North Korean believers remain faithful in their dedication to Jesus Christ. And even though it could mean imprisonment — or even death — they are willing to risk everything to own a copy of the Bible!

This Christmas, $10 is all it takes for you to give a persecuted Christian the gift he has been praying for: God’s Word.

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Right now, all gifts for North Korean Bibles will be matched up to $50,000. So your $10 doubles to give TWO North Korean believers access to the Gospel.

Over the past few months, generous donors have already sent 42,500 Bibles to North Korea. But there are still countless believers who have never held a copy of God’s Word, much less owned one.

Will you help reach the goal of sending 100,000 Bibles to this spiritually dark country as soon as possible?

All it takes is $10 to send God’s Word to North Korea this holiday season. You’ll be flooding North Korea with the light of the Gospel in this terrible time of persecution!


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