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Refugee crisis3 min read


Afghan families are fleeing the Taliban ... here’s how you can help

Families in Afghanistan are running for their lives after the Taliban’s takeover.

Why? Because these families remember life under the Taliban’s rule — public stonings, targeted killings, the constant (and too often violent) oppression of women and girls. They will do whatever they can to escape, even if that means leaving everything behind.

So they’ve fled. But many families have nowhere to go. They are on the run with no food or clean water … and they desperately need your help.

I know you believe in the power of prayer. So I ask you to pause reading this blog and pray for the safety and comfort of these people … pray for their basic needs to be met … and pray for the brave men and women who are responding on the ground.

I also know you believe that until Jesus comes back, you and I are the “hands and feet” — that we can (and should) do something to help people in need.

Here’s how you can help right now: Every $35 you give will provide a week’s worth of emergency food and clean water to one person fleeing the Taliban.

World Help is working with local Afghan partners who are serving in the heart of Kabul and all across Afghanistan as this crisis unfolds. I’m being updated regularly on their progress.

To be honest, our partners are the only people responding in some of the areas where the Taliban are constantly patrolling — where many families are hiding.

I just heard that our partners had gotten through the patrols and were able to deliver food to 300 people taking temporary shelter in a local building. Our partners rejoiced because God is so good — and they asked for as much help as we can send because so many families still need help right now.

It’s clear what the fleeing families need most at this very moment: food and clean water. And you can provide them — right now.

Your immediate, compassionate response will make sure that an innocent civilian of Afghanistan receives the emergency help and hope they need to survive.

Please give your best gift today to provide emergency food and water for as many people as possible. Just $35 provides a week’s worth of food and clean water for one person!

This truly is a matter of life and death. So please stop right now and give what you can to a family fleeing the Taliban.  And please pray that your gift will multiply and inspire others to do the same.

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