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Bibles2 min read


All Scripture is useful: Part 1

April Stumme
Jun 03, 2018

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching … — 2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV)

In North Korea, Christians face a seemingly impossible challenge. They must grow in their faith without regular access to pastors, spiritual mentors, or teachers. Some North Korean believers can never talk to anyone about Jesus — not even their families.

These Christian are desperate to learn more about their faith, but they’re not looking for a person — they’re looking for a book. These Christians are desperate for the Bible.

2 Timothy reminds us that all Scripture is from God and is useful for teaching. No one knows this better than Christians in North Korea. They know that to deepen their relationship with Jesus they need access to His Word.

When they feel alone they can find hope in the teachings of Jeremiah 29:11 where God reminds them He always has a plan for them, even when they can’t see it in the moment.

When they need comfort, they can find it in the teachings of Psalm 23. There the psalmist says the Lord is his Shepherd and that even when death threatens, he knows his life is safe in God’s hands.

When life in North Korea seems pointless and Christians don’t understand the purpose of their sufferings, they are gently reminded by the teachings of Proverbs 3:5-6. These verses reassure them they can lean on God’s understanding when their own is not enough.

All of these lessons are ready and waiting for them in the pages of Scripture. But North Korean Christians face one more problem — many of them don’t have Bibles.

Bibles are banned, and anyone caught with one can be sentenced to years in a labor camp. But Christians in North Korea are willing to risk any punishment to own one. They just need your help to get it.

Today, you can provide a Bible for a North Korean Christian or another believer who has never owned one for as little as $5. The Bible you provide will be delivered into the hands of a waiting believer who will rejoice to receive it.

Despite all the risks, Christians in North Korea and around the world know being taught by the Word of God is worth it. They know the value of the Gospel.

You can send one Christian a Bible today and give him the tools he needs to learn from the teachings of God.


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