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From the Field1 min read


Back in Africa

Vernon Brewer
Mar 02, 2011

After 40 hours of traveling, one missed flight, and an unexpected day in freezing Amsterdam, our World Help team arrived in Kampala, Uganda. And we hit the ground running!

Our first stop was Destiny Villages of Hope, where more than 1,400 HIV/AIDS orphans have found a new home and new hope.

Traveling with me are World Help board members, Skip Taylor and Tony Foglio, World Help staff Tom Thompson, Cyrus Mad-Bondo, and Daniel Bowden, along with two great friends and supporters, Dr. Tim Rand and Sandy Sansing.

At Destiny, we dedicated a new vocational school and a causelife well . . . Clean water equals life.

From there, we visited the Lutisi Medical Clinic, provided by Sandy, where hundreds of lives are being saved because of this remote clinic.

Then it was on to Good Samaritan Children’s Home . . . home to over 1,600 orphans, many of them child mothers and former child soldiers from Gulu. They all welcomed us with huge smiles.

We dedicated a new six-story, state-of-the-art Children’s Home, provided by Kingdom Partners and Sonrise Church in Santee, CA. There were more than a few tears of joy.

Because of many of our friends . . . we have impacted more than 3,000 children who now have food, shelter, clothing, medicine, clean water, and a chance to hear about the love of Jesus Christ.

Man, it’s great to be back in Africa!



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