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Spiritual Development2 min read


The best gift you’ll give this Christmas

Rachel Godwin
Dec 19, 2016

Did you know that the average American household will spend more than $900 on Christmas gifts this year? 

But you can give someone the greatest gift of all for just $5!

Thousands of Christ-followers around the world are waiting and wishing for their very own Bible. Many have been waiting for years.

When you send a copy of God’s Word to someone in need, you’re providing the gift of spiritual hope in the midst of poverty or persecution.

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Christians who live in places where Bibles are rare are desperate to read God’s Word. Our partner in China described what it’s like to deliver Bibles to a rural community where most families can’t afford them:

Local church leaders and congregants eagerly wait at the Bible drop point. The truck stops, the doors open, and everyone rushes to get the boxes out. Within five minutes every Bible is gone, and sometimes the boxes don’t even touch the ground before they are empty.

Just imagine the joy when a believer finally receives a Bible, when he is able to read the account of Jesus’ birth for the first time. What an amazing Christmas present!

All it takes is $5 to print, ship, and deliver God’s Word into a believer’s hands.

Best of all, since Bibles are often shared within communities, your gift has the potential to reach dozens of people … making an eternal impact in even more lives.


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