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Help send God’s Word around the world

Can you imagine never having a Bible of your own? Many people around the world have never had the opportunity to read God’s Word for themselves. They live in “Bible deserts” — places where Bibles are extremely rare or even illegal. But when your church joins Bibles for All, you can help change that.


We want to equip your church to pray for people living in Bible deserts around the world. Click the button below to download helpful resources, including …

  • A prayer guide
  • A fact sheet about Bible deserts
  • A PowerPoint slide
  • Videos
  • Blogs
  • And more


We want to equip your church to pray for people living in Bible deserts around the world. Click the button below to download helpful resources, including …

  • A prayer guide
  • A factsheet about Bible deserts
  • A PowerPoint slide
  • Videos
  • Blogs
  • And more

How Bibles for All works

1) Choose how much your church will give each month. Every $5 sends one Bible.

2) Your church’s donation provides Bibles for believers and seekers worldwide.

3) Each Bible is shared among friends and family, increasing your impact!

Don’t forget to download your free Bible desert resources.

Read how the Bible is transforming lives

Preview thumbnail for the article: Kira: “Jesus, if I give up drugs, will you heal my daughter?”
Spiritual Development

Kira: “Jesus, if I give up drugs, will you heal my daughter?”

  I’ve always known that one Bible can impact many lives — . . .

Preview thumbnail for the article: One Bible Changed Mazi’s Life!
Persecuted Christians

One Bible Changed Mazi’s Life!

  Our Bibles for All Ambassadors are helping to share God’s . . .

Preview thumbnail for the article: Check Out the Difference You Made in Just One Month!
Where Needed Most

Check Out the Difference You Made in Just One Month!

  The World Help family made an incredible impact around the . . .

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