It’s no secret that the people of North Korea are suffering under the hands of an oppressive government—but much of the world is unaware of the magnitude of their suffering. Only an elite group of North Koreans have access to luxuries such as indoor plumbing, vehicles, and sufficient food . . . for the rest, even basic necessities are denied. Our partner has reported . . .
Every night, at great risk, as many as 500 desperate North Koreans cross rivers into China, seeking food and basic supplies. After a few days of trying to obtain enough food and supplies to last a couple weeks, 70-80 percent of these individuals return to North Korea. If they are caught by North Korean authorities, they can be arrested and lose whatever supplies they have obtained.
Desperation drives hundreds of North Koreans to the shores of China every night. The fortunate ones—those who make it without being arrested by North Korean authorities—often find refuge at the hands of believers in China.
Many of these people come in contact with refugee care centers operated by Chinese Christians. They are provided food, shelter, and medical care if needed. Most hear the Gospel for the first time and commit to becoming Christ followers.
These men and women arrive on China’s shores overwhelmed by desperation, but when they return to North Korea, they have been transformed by the message of eternal hope—by a light so powerful darkness cannot overcome it.
Through your commitment to bring hope to the world’s least-reached individuals, a new Christ follower in North Korea now has access to the most critical resource needed to grow in their faith—God’s Word.
Even in a nation where owning a Bible is punished by years in a concentration camp, copies of God’s Word are still considered a deeply treasured gift. Your ongoing prayers and support have resulted in more than 10,000 copies of the New Testament being distributed in North Korea since 2015.
God has [equipped] His people . . . may they use this new tool to light blazing beacons within the darkened borders of North Korea.
Please continue to pray for our partners in North Korea as they work tirelessly to translate the Old Testament into North Korean dialect. Pray for the provision of scholars who can assist with the translation process, as well as continued funding for the efforts involved.
Thank you for continuing to walk alongside us and shielding us in prayer, our partner wrote in a recent update. Thank you for your ongoing encouragements to remain faithful to the voice of God. And thank you for marveling with us at what the Lord is doing.