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Spiritual Development3 min read


Bibles: A Most Precious Gift

Vernon Brewer
Aug 31, 2016

I just received an urgent request from our partner in China. His supply of Bibles is running critically low—and he desperately needs your help.

Min (name changed for security) is a 40-year-old schoolteacher living in a rural village in China. She first heard the Gospel from a local pastor; but it wasn’t until she was miraculously healed from sickness that she committed her life to Christ. And ever since that day, she’s been desperate to have a Bible of her own so she can learn more about her Savior and Healer.

Living in such a remote village, Min has no access to God’s Word. She’s been trying to get her hands on a copy of the Bible for months. She’s exhausted all her options. Right now, her only hope is YOU . . . You are her last chance.

And because Min is a schoolteacher, she has a unique opportunity to introduce the boys and girls in her school to Jesus. She feels a strong calling, but without a Bible she doesn’t know where to begin.

Can you imagine the comfort, strength, and purpose owning a Bible would give to Min?


But today—right now—you can provide a Bible for thousands of believers, like Min, who are desperately seeking a copy of God’s Word for only $5.

Bibles are the most precious, valued possession for a Christian in China. And although Bibles can be found in some places . . . most of those living in rural areas cannot afford them.

Our partner described what it’s like when a truck carrying Bibles arrives in a rural village like Min’s:

Local church leaders and congregants eagerly wait at the Bible drop point. The truck stops, the doors open, and everyone rushes to get the boxes out.

Within five minutes every Bible is gone, and sometimes the boxes don’t even touch the ground before they are empty. 

It’s extremely risky for the truck drivers—and our brothers and sisters waiting at the drop point—but they risk it anyway because the Word is so precious to them. Many times, the people are so overcome with joy and emotion that they weep as a Bible is placed in their hands. It’s a profound moment for them . . . simply to be holding their own copy of God’s Word.

You can make a moment like that happen for Min and other desperate brothers and sisters! It costs just $5 to print, ship, and deliver a Bible into the open hands of a person desperate to know more about God.

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God’s Word helps a person grow in their faith and is a safeguard against confusion and doubt.

Believers, like Min, are determined to keep spreading the Gospel—but they need the greatest resource available . . . Bibles.

Oftentimes, pastors don’t have their own copy of God’s Word! In rural areas it’s common for hundreds of Christians to share one Bible. As it passes around from person to person, they will spend days memorizing as much Scripture as possible before they give it to the next person.

Our partner told us, “The prayer of Chinese believers is not that the persecution would stop, but they would have the strength to remain faithful.”

When you give a Bible, you’re giving a Christian exactly what they need to stay faithful to God’s calling in the midst of danger, persecution, and difficulty.

Will you provide at least one Bible today?

Min wants to grow in her faith, but not having a Bible means her spiritual growth has stalled. She also longs for the boys and girls in her class to become Christians.

She desperately needs a Bible . . . she needs you.

Please provide a Bible today and give a Chinese Christian, like Min, their very own copy of God’s Word!



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