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Bibles for All3 min read


Bibles for All Ambassadors meet one community’s greatest need

Emily Towns
Mar 28, 2019

Early Sunday morning, a small group of believers gathers in a house church to sing and worship. They sit on the floor in colorful rows with children on their laps, clapping and singing to their Savior.  

Jesus, no one is like you

Heavens bow down at your feet, and we sing your glory.

They sing with passion, and they stand strong when persecution comes. But most of these believers have never read a Bible. They have never read the words that have inspired their favorite hymns and praise songs.

But they want to.

This is the story of a church in South Asia, but it could easily describe gatherings of believers all around the world. From North Korea to Cuba to Rwanda, Christians are living in Bible deserts, places where God’s Word is either illegal or hard to find. Many of these men and women face incredible persecution for their faith, and they long for the comfort of God’s Word.

They desperately want to read the Scriptures so they can share what they have learned with others and see the church grow. It is their deepest prayer. But to do that, they need Bibles.

Every month, Bibles for All Ambassadors help answer the prayers of believers around the world by providing copies of God’s Word. These Bibles are sent to people who have never owned one before, and they bring great encouragement to pastors like Manish.

We’ve changed his name for his safety, but Manish is a Christian leader living in South Asia. His country is one of the world’s largest Bible deserts, and many there have never even heard about Jesus. Manish and his congregation have worked hard to share the message of the Gospel with others, but without Bibles, it has been difficult.

“The very greatest need in our church today is the reading of the Word of God,” Manish said. “There are many people in our community who know how to read, but they don’t have the money to buy a Bible. The Word of God is the most important part of the growth of the church.”

Manish believes that God’s Word has the power to change communities in South Asia. In his country, many people have come to believe simply by hearing stories from the Bible. Can you imagine if they were able to read it for themselves?

That is why Bibles for All exists.

Bibles for All Ambassadors take the Gospel to the ends of the earth, shining a light in places that have been spiritually dark for too long. Isaiah 55:11 promises us that God’s Word always accomplishes its purpose. When people read the Bibles that Ambassadors send, their lives are changed by the Truth they find.

“I believe that as we believers read more of the Bible, the church will grow and expand, and it will cause a great revival in our community,” Manish said.

Now, thanks to the Bibles for All Ambassadors, Manish is seeing that belief become a reality.

“There are many, many believers who have walked away from this place after receiving a Bible. They have a new joy and a new happiness because they have the Word of God in their hands,” Manish said. “By providing this Bible, you have given us the opportunity to learn it and to read it. It helps us get closer to God.”

Manish is just one of the believers around the world who has been impacted by Bibles for All.

Churches across the globe are growing and believers are being encouraged and strengthened to face even the strongest persecution. But there are still more Bible deserts and more people praying for a copy of the Bible in their own language. Will you help provide Bibles for All?


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