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Celebrate your sponsored child’s special day!

As you know, many children in our sponsorship program come from a life of poverty. It’s a struggle for their families to afford basic needs like food and clothing. Most years, birthday celebrations are simply out of the question. No party, no presents, no cake … nothing.

But you can make sure that your sponsored child has a birthday to remember! You can send a personalized birthday greeting and make a donation to help provide a unique party or gift.

Two ways you can help your sponsored child celebrate

Send a personalized birthday card

In the birthday packet you received in the mail, you’ll find a card to send to your sponsored child. Write a personal message inside wishing him or her a happy birthday. Then, return the card in the envelope provided at least eight weeks before your child’s birthday to allow for overseas shipping. You also can send your note online by clicking below.

Help provide a birthday surprise

Send an extra financial gift to help cover the cost of either a present or a party for your sponsored child and other kids in the same program. Gifts and celebrations vary between countries and programs, but your sponsored child will receive a memorable treat that will make him or her feel extra special and loved.

Your card and gift will mean the world to your sponsored child!

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