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Coronavirus4 min read


Blind, jobless, and running out of food

Raising an 8-year-old and a 2-year-old is a challenge. I know. As a mom, I’ve been there. And Saira and her husband are doing it while blind.

They’ve learned to make it work, though. Saira has been blind since birth, and her husband has been blind since he was 10. Over the years, they’ve adapted.

Still, they live in such a tough situation, so I’ve changed Saira’s name to protect their privacy.

Because of their disabilities, the couple receives small assistance payments from the government. But since it’s not much, they used to supplement their fixed income by going door to door selling small trinkets and goods. They never made a lot … just enough to make sure their two girls were fed.

Then the pandemic hit. With a strict lockdown in place, making house calls to sell their good was no longer allowed.

Without that income, they were no longer able to afford three meals a day.

Saira worried constantly about the girls, especially her toddler. She was scared, as any mom would be. She knew a child’s earliest years are pivotal for growth and development … and she knew that her daughter was starving. Without help soon, her little girl’s growth could possibly be permanently stunted, and she wouldn’t be able to grow up healthy and strong.

But today, Saira’s daughter and her entire family are happy and healthy — because donors like you helped provide the food they desperately needed!

Saira was overjoyed and overwhelmed with emotion when they received the gift of emergency aid. Now she doesn’t have to worry about her youngest child starving to death or whether her older daughter and husband will be strong enough to survive the pandemic. Without this help, Saira isn’t sure if the family would have survived the rest of the lockdown.

I am so thankful for people like you who have stood beside families like Saira’s throughout this pandemic. Living in poverty has always been a struggle, and this year of crisis has pushed many families almost to the breaking point.

You can help another person like Saira today by helping provide emergency supplies like food, clean water, hygiene kits, and more. Your gift can literally be the difference between life and death for a person fighting for survival.

And, thanks to a generous matching gift pledged by World Help Board members, every dollar you give will DOUBLE up to $300,000 to help 2X as many people.

Not only will you be helping meet physical needs, but you will also help erase a projected budget shortfall caused by canceled events due to the coronavirus. You’ll play a part in making sure families who are counting on help to arrive still receive the aid they need despite this pandemic.

Most importantly, you will be helping point them to the hope found only in Jesus Christ.

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