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Join World Help Bloggers

Join World Help Bloggers


Thank you for your interest in blogging for World Help. There are so many heartbreaking needs in our world today, and if we’re honest, it’s easier to stay overwhelmed rather than act. With your help, we can change that.

A lot of people want to do good in this world, but don’t know how. As a World Help blogger, you put resources and opportunities into the hands of people looking for a way to get involved.

We see you as ambassadors, networkers, think tanks, explorers, and educators.

Each one of you has personal dreams and passions, but you’re all here for the same reason: You want to make a difference in the world. Our desire is to see a thriving online community of advocates from all walks of life (and with a variety of interests), but with the same vision—to change lives. We’re thrilled to have you . . . and we look forward to making a difference together.

Let’s get started. Please provide us with the information requested below and click “submit.”


Disclaimer: World Help will not endorse any blogs that are intentionally misleading, harmful, or promote agendas contrary to our core values.

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