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Syria1 min read


BREAKING: Ghouta’s citizens run for their lives

Blog Team
Mar 16, 2018

Citizens in eastern Ghouta, Syria, have been under heavy fire for weeks. Many have hidden in basements, praying the bombs will miss them. But the fighting has become so intense that thousands have decided they must get out; staying on the frontlines is a death sentence.

On the morning of Thursday, March 15, more than 10,000 residents of eastern Ghouta fled to Syria’s nearby capital of Damascus. Our partners were among the first to respond. But they desperately need your help to provide the medical supplies, food, and other essentials these refugees need.

Imagine the droves of people: men, women, and children descending on refugee camps with nothing but a few small belongings. Many of them have barely eaten since the airstrikes began in mid-February.

Right now there are barely enough rations to help the people who have already arrived in these camps. And every day more are expected to arrive. There are still nearly 390,000 people trapped in the region of eastern Ghouta.

“The situation in Ghouta is one of the worst we’ve ever seen,” our partners said. “But we are not powerless to help. We can show the families of Ghouta they are not forgotten or alone. We can help [during] the unimaginable violence raining down on them right now.”

For just $35, you can provide lifesaving supplies to a refugee who is literally running for his life. You’ll provide items such as food, clothing, medicine, hygiene kits, and baby formula and diapers.

“If you’ve asked yourself how we can help the people of eastern Ghouta, this is how we can help,” our partner encouraged. You don’t have to sit back and passively watch these atrocities happen on the news. You can actively do something about it.

Please send help as soon as you can! Your decision to act can save a refugee’s life!


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