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Aid and Relief3 min read


Bring joy to widows and orphans this Christmas

Kelsey Campbell
Dec 14, 2018

Kindness seems to be contagious at Christmas.

Everyone is spreading good cheer, showing others how much they mean to them — even complete strangers! It’s the time of year when we try extra hard to make the world a better place.

You may volunteer at a food pantry, sing carols at a nursing home, or bring gifts to cancer patients who have to spend their holidays in the hospital. No matter how you choose to show love, you will spread happiness and hope when you help someone in need. And many people like Nanunga are desperate for hope.

Nanunga doesn’t live in the nursing home in your neighborhood. This homeless widow lives all the way around the world in Zambia. But you can still reach out to people like her and show them you care during the holidays.

One of the most critical needs is food — and that’s a Christmas gift you can provide to help someone survive! You can ship lifesaving essentials like food, clothing, medicine, and hygiene kits to people living in poverty. And the best part is your gift multiplies — every dollar you give ships $33 worth of critical aid to someone like Nanunga who is struggling to survive.

Nanunga has outlived five children and her husband. Her eyesight is failing, and she can’t get around like she once did.

She has only one living child, but that child has a mental disability. So not only does Nanunga have no one to care for her in her old age, she also has to take care of her child. Without help, she may not survive much longer.

“When I was young, I was OK because I had the strength to work,” Nanunga said. “My life is a struggle. I don’t have a decent livelihood.”

She has no choice but to rely on the charity of others. Even her clothes are borrowed, and many nights she goes to sleep without having anything to eat.

But today you can send peace and goodwill to someone who is struggling to hang on — someone like Nanunga and the other widows living in Zambia.

They need food because they cannot rely on their friends and neighbors to help them when their villages are suffering already. But you can help! You can send food as well as other crucial aid like medical supplies and medicines as well as durable clothing.  

Many of these items are already sitting in our warehouse thanks to generous corporate donations and grants … we just need your help to ship them to people who urgently need them!

And because every dollar you give will be multiplied 33X, a gift of just $30 will ship an incredible $990 worth of aid. Imagine the impact that will make for someone like Nanunga who has been waiting on the margins of life.

And who better to help at Christmastime than those God commanded us to look after?

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.” James 1:27 (NIV)

Remember that the angels first came to shepherds — a group deemed one of the poorest in society — when they came to bring peace and goodwill to mankind.

So will you give peace and goodwill to widows, orphans, and other impoverished people that are often neglected by society? You can meet their most urgent needs today by shipping essential supplies … and help save a life.


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