Deep in the heart of Cuba is the rural village of La Sierra, home to a community of farmers and many children.
For a long time the children of La Sierra were nearly forgotten. Many grew up in dysfunctional homes or were raised by grandparents because their parents were unable to care for them. All of them were in need of hope and love.
Eventually, Cameron,* a church planter, found the community of La Sierra. Cameron was passionate about children and saw the desperate need in the community for a children’s ministry. Driven by a verse in Matthew 19, Cameron started ministries to reach out to these children, love them, and teach them about God.
Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these’. — Matthew 19:14
Cameron soon learned that many of these children knew nothing about God. They had never heard a Bible story and had no knowledge of Christmas.
But today, thanks to a local church-planting ministry, the children have the opportunity to attend Sunday School and participate in other special children’s programs with a local church.
Adianis is just one of the children touched by this ministry. Her parents separated when she was young. This was extremely difficult for Adianis, who was very attached to her father. Left without a home, she went to live with her grandparents.
Eventually, Adianis began attending church and taking part in programs there. She was excited to learn about the Gospel and even shared it with her grandmother who was battling cancer. Attending church brought Adianis joy during a difficult time, and it allowed her to bring hope to others in need.
God is using the work of Cameron in Adianis’ community to transform her life and the lives of children just like her by giving them the promise of a better future. When their families fail them, or their communities don’t support them, these children now have confidence that Jesus loves them and will never forget them.
Your giving and support allow others like Cameron to continue changing lives by sharing the transformative love of Jesus Christ.
* This church planter’s name has been changed for security