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Child Sponsorship2 min read


Can Child Sponsorship Further the Gospel?

Aug 23, 2016

Every time Clark Smith sits down at his desk to work, he sees a photo of a little girl staring back at him with glowing, brown eyes. Her name is Josefa.

She loves basketball, coloring, and anything that’s pink. One day, she dreams of becoming a teacher. And even though Josefa lives in remote Guatemala, her picture has earned a spot right next to a photo of Clark’s son.


Living vastly different lives, thousands of miles apart, Clark and Josefa’s paths would never have crossed if he hadn’t learned about the opportunity to become a sponsor.

I felt I needed to help someone who is less fortunate than myself. I wanted to show the love of Jesus Christ through giving.

Clark was committed to helping a child in need, but he wasn’t quite prepared for how much that decision would affect his life. In less than a year of sponsorship, Josefa had become like a daughter to him.

What has surprised me most about sponsorship is the impact such a small deed can make—not only the child, but the sponsor as well. I find myself thinking about Josefa and her well-being on a day to day basis.

Because of Clark’s decision to invest in Josefa’s life, she receives nutritious meals regularly is surrounded by a loving and supportive community, and most importantly, she learns about the love of Jesus Christ.

In the pictures I have received from Josefa, she is always smiling from ear to ear. You can see the genuine happiness and innocence in her face. I can’t imagine how happy she will be once she understands and learns what it means to be a child of God and all the she will be able to accomplish in her life.

Child Sponorship in Guatemala

Simply by giving just over $1 a day, Clark is bringing the life-changing message of the Gospel to a remote Guatemalan village. His commitment to Josefa’s future is also a commitment the future of a broken community . . . one that stretches into eternity.

The biggest thing I’ve learned from sponsorship is that you can never stop trying to spread the Word and love of Christ. My hope is that one day, because of my act of sponsorship, Josefa will understand she can have a personal relationship with Jesus. I hope that because a complete stranger was helping her for one reason only—Jesus—that she will be compelled to accept God into her heart and to spread His love to others. If that happens, then my sponsorship has gone above and beyond what I hoped for.  

Choosing to reflect the sacrificial love of Christ in one child’s life can be the catalyst of change in countless lives for eternity—because sacrificial love has a way of multiplying.

You can choose to be the one to change a child’s future by building self-esteem, unlocking potential, and mirroring the powerful love of Christ.

Child sponsorship not only overcomes the cycle of poverty, it also furthers the Gospel in some of the most remote communities on earth.

For just over $1 a day, why not choose to be the one today?



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