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Coronavirus5 min read


Iraq: Can refugees survive a second lockdown?

Sam Campbell
Jun 27, 2020

Many countries around the world are slowly emerging from their lockdowns … but Iraq is plunging right back into another one.

More than 400 coronavirus cases were reported on June 1, making it the highest number in a single day for the Middle Eastern country. As a result, most businesses remain closed, and everyone is required to wear a mask. Curfews are also in place.

These restrictions are meant to curb the spread of the virus. But for many families in Iraq and around the globe, extended lockdowns mean more time out of work … and out of food.

Today, you can help provide essentials like nutritious food, medical care, hygiene kits, and more to someone still in urgent need. And thanks to a new $300,000 matching gift from World Help Board members, your donation will DOUBLE!

Refugee camps throughout Iraq and surrounding countries are filled with people like Amar who are struggling to survive.

We’ve changed Amar’s name because he had to flee his home when war broke out. Life in a refugee camp was no picnic, even before the coronavirus pandemic.

Like many refugees, Amar relied on his daily wages to provide for his family. It was never much. In fact, his pay was so small that they couldn’t even afford to pay rent, so they lived in an unfinished building. It was just enough for a daily meal — but at least it kept a little bit of food in their stomachs.

Then, the coronavirus happened.

​”We can’t go outside to work because of this virus,” Amar said.

Just a short way away from Amar and his family’s temporary home, another family in a similar situation is also wondering how long they can hold out during this pandemic. “The day we don’t work we don’t eat,” the father said. “This situation is so hard.”

It’s people like these two families who have been hit hardest by the shutdowns in Iraq.

“People who were living on daily wages have been the ones most affected,” our Iraq partner said. “They have nothing to spare when it comes to supporting themselves.”

It’s driven parents to desperate measures … like digging through trash cans for scraps of hardened bread to boil in water and feed to their children.

When people like Amar can’t work and can’t buy healthy food, it keeps their families from receiving proper nutrition. Their bodies grow weaker with every day that passes … making them prime targets for the virus.

It’s a vicious cycle.

And refugee camps are already congested. People live side by side in tents and makeshift shanties. There’s not much chance at practicing safe social distancing, which means people can’t afford to get sick. One infected person could spread the virus to hundreds more.

That’s why people like Amar need your help. People around the world are still struggling to survive this pandemic. They need food to keep up their strength. They need clean water and soap to fight off infection. They need an ally in this fight to survive. And they need hope now more than ever before.

Will you give today to help rescue refugees like Amar and other people in need during this pandemic? When you do, your gift will DOUBLE. That means every $8 is enough to help rescue TWO people in desperate need!

Not only will you help provide lifesaving aid like food, clean water, hygiene kits, and more, but your doubled gift will also help erase World Help’s projected budget shortfall caused by canceled fundraising events due to the coronavirus. You’ll help ensure people around the world continue to receive the critical support they need. And you’ll bring hope during these especially difficult times.

If you can, please give today. Your generosity will be the hands and feet of Jesus. And your doubled gift will help rescue 2X as many people.

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