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We are proud to be reviewed and held accountable by these independent third-party organizations.

Subela’s Story

Subela and her family are part of a tribal group from a remote village in India. Both of her parents work in ministry throughout northeast India sharing the Gospel in rural villages. Due to the nature of their work, they live in an isolated area that lacks access to a...

Second Chances

We will never know what she was thinking the day she walked to the river with all her boys in tow. Perhaps she was suffering from depression or was mentally unstable. Maybe a life of extreme poverty had proven too much to bear. Whatever the reason, there was no excuse...

A Safe Place

Watch Dieunie-Love’s Story – Haiti Spring ’13 on Vimeo Beautiful 4-year-old Dieunie-Love (pronounced “Jenny-Love”) greeted me with a shy smile as she leaned up against her makeshift home in the crowded, dusty village of Oanaminthe, Haiti. We stepped...

Honduras: A New Generation of Hope

Honduras is one of the poorest nations in Latin America, but World Help sees incredible opportunities to invest in lives there by providing hope. Over the last several years, we have actively mobilized public hospitals with life-saving supplies, built clean-water...

Hope Manifested in Africa

The village of Nazigo, Uganda, is far from the beaten path and has remained largely untouched for decades. It’s a lush community—tucked in a picturesque African rainforest—but it’s also defined by the ugly reality of poverty. Our Regional Director of...

How Does Your Sponsored Child Celebrate Christmas?

For many of us, Christmas means spending time with family, decorating, and giving gifts. We gather for  parties, attend plays, and rejoice in the birth of Jesus. But have you ever taken a moment to think about what Christmas looks like for others around the world? Or...
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