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Will you join the fight?

Will you join the fight?

Kneeling on the damp ground, the old woman gingerly digs in the dirt. She has buried her greatest and most dangerous treasure … hoping to keep it — and herself — safe. Every morning she comes to this spot, long before the sun rises. And every morning, she risks her...
What would you ask for if you were persecuted?

What would you ask for if you were persecuted?

What if you woke up every morning wondering if this was the day you would be thrown into prison? Your crime? Believing in Jesus. Yet, this is a tragic reality for Christians living in North Korea. Owning a single page of the Bible is a punishable offense in this...
Hye’s church needs 100 Bibles. Right now, they have one

Hye’s church needs 100 Bibles. Right now, they have one

Whenever I talk with our partners who work secretly in North Korea, they tell me good news and bad news. The good news is that the underground church there is growing — despite the most brutal religious persecution in the world. The bad news is there aren’t nearly...
How to talk to your church about persecution

How to talk to your church about persecution

Sanji wakes up, hoping it was all a dream. The day before, he received news that his brother, a local pastor, had been killed. His brother was attacked by his own neighbors, simply because he dared to share his faith. Sanji himself has faced abuse for years … but he...
Are you prepared for International Day of Prayer?

Are you prepared for International Day of Prayer?

If you’re anything like me, your Sundays probably look pretty much the same every week. You get up, get dressed in something nice, and drive to church. Maybe you drop your kids off at Sunday School or the youth room. Or you might volunteer in some ministry before...
Walk in the shoes of a North Korean Christian

Walk in the shoes of a North Korean Christian

Do you find it difficult to relate to your persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ? It’s strange to think about keeping your faith, your Bible, and your worship a secret from your closest friends and family. But try for a moment. Put yourself in the shoes of a...
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