Pakistan is Running Out of Water
It’s 1 a.m. in a neighborhood in urban Pakistan. Everyone should be asleep. Instead, the streets and homes are buzzing with activity. But these families don’t have a choice — their lives depend on staying awake. Men and women wait in their doorways with stacks...
Afghanistan Update: “The food insecurity is staggering”
A child sifts through garbage and rubble, desperate for anything she can sell for a few cents. She should be in school, but how can she even think of education when her family hasn’t eaten in days? She ignores her stomach pains as she tosses a scrap of paper...
Yardan: “We are dire need of food”
How much do you know about recent Iraqi history? Many of us remember the nation’s most recent battle against the Islamic State, also known as ISIS. But did you know that when Iraqi leaders reclaimed their stolen territory in 2017, that wasn’t really the...
Lebanon — the crisis you probably haven’t heard of
One of the benefits of keeping your money in the bank is the assurance that your funds will be safe. You can take money out any time you want, and the money in your account will earn interest. But what if, one day, most of your money just disappeared or the...