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Celebrate Thanksgiving By Providing the Lifesaving Gift of Food!

Blog Team
Nov 23, 2023


“…and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.”

— Isaiah 58:10 (NIV) 

Happy Thanksgiving! From all of us here at World Help, we hope you’re enjoying a safe and relaxing holiday with loved ones.

But before you settle down for the big meal, please take a moment to remember men, women, and children who don’t have enough food to eat. During this season of giving, you can be a lifeline.

Watch this short video to learn what you can do to help:

Everyone’s feeling the pinch of rising prices this year, but it’s especially difficult in areas where people didn’t have enough to eat in the first place. Now, they’re starving.

The good news is, it’s a problem with a clear solution: these people need food. And you can help today.

Plus, when you donate by Giving Tuesday on Nov. 28, your gift will DOUBLE to provide food and other lifesaving essentials to 2x as many people in need, thanks to a $50,000 matching gift.

And you won’t just provide food to starving people. You’ll also spread God’s love by helping provide necessities like clothing, God’s Word, medical supplies, and more.

You can be a light to men, women, and children who need it most. Will you be the hands and feet of Jesus this Thanksgiving?


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