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Chains shall He break

Blog Team
Dec 12, 2017

This month, you’ve probably heard Christmas music playing everywhere you go. At church, in the mall, on the radio … but have you stopped and really listened to the lyrics?

Some of the classic carols share incredible truths about Jesus and the meaning of Christmas, such as these lines from “O Holy Night”:

Chains shall He break

For the slave is our brother,

And in his name, all oppression shall cease.

That first Christmas, at its core, was a rescue mission. Jesus came, He lived, He died, and He rose again — all so we could be free from the curse of sin and death. Freedom has always been the heart of Christmas.

But right now, while you bake your Christmas cookies and wrap your presents, there are girls in India and Thailand who are held captive in cultural slavery. Poverty has left them no choice but to sacrifice themselves and enter the sex industry to provide for their families.

This Christmas, you can help give one girl the gift of freedom. All it takes is $50. You will help give a girl the opportunity to earn an education that will help her get the job of her dreams. It will provide her with a warm and loving community. But most importantly, it will introduce her to Jesus, the real reason for Christmas. Your gift will help break her chains.

What better way to celebrate the birth of Christ than by giving a young girl the chance at a life filled with hope?


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