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Advocacy2 min read


Change for Change: A Miracle of Faith

Mar 10, 2014

“Mommy, I want to raise money for a well,” Morgan said, her eyes steady and serious.

“That’s great, honey,” Meghann said, keeping her gaze. “How much would you like to raise?”

“Well, it costs $15,000 . . . so I want to raise $15,000,” she said, firmly.

The task seemed a little daunting for a fourth-grade girl. But judging by the resolve in her demeanor, very little was going to stand in her way.

Meghann quickly began to realize that her daughter’s heart was deeply impacted through an encounter with Children of the World choir members.

Children of the World - World Help

Listening to their stories, Morgan learned about the immense suffering children endure without access to clean water.  The moment her eyes were opened, she became determined to make a difference . . .  and she believed with all her heart it was possible.

“I have a younger brother and sister, and I was grieved when I heard that children their age are dying every 15 seconds,” Morgan said soberly.

In the weeks to follow, Morgan’s commitment only grew stronger. She began to spread the word about her mycause campaign at school and throughout her community.

It was near impossible to deny the worthiness of the cause after hearing Morgan’s heart. Two close friends Lydia and Carey readily stepped forward to join Morgan on her mission.

The girls may have been young, but their faith was great . . . they were certain that God wanted more for these children.

Uganda - causelife

Casting all worries aside, the girls charged forward in their fundraising. They spoke with restaurant managers, local news reporters, and even shared their hearts with the congregations of local churches.

As summer approached, the girls began to dream about having a carnival at the local fairgrounds—games, a potato-sack race, and a bounce house were just a few of their ideas.

“I tried to encourage them to come up with something a little smaller, thinking the county fairgrounds were a bit excessive,” Meghann said. “But as I watched the girls draw up plans for a carnival, I heard God say, ‘Your daughter wants to do big things for me, why are you stopping her?’ So I decided that even if only six people showed up to a carnival in our backyard, we would do it.”

God certainly honored their faith. The carnival was held at a several-hundred acre mustang farm, complete with moon bounces, a train ride, a balloon artist, vendors, and plenty of food. Even on a cold and rainy afternoon, they raised nearly $1,500.

“God’s vision was much bigger than mine,” Meghann confessed.

Today, the girls have raised an astonishing $10,000 and counting. Their dream to provide a clean-water well is less than $5,000 away from becoming a reality.

Guatemala - causelife

Raising money isn’t always easy,” Morgan said. “But if you pray, God will answer you. It might not be in a way you understand at the time, but He is always there.”

Through the faith and hard work of these fourth-grade girls, holistic healing is becoming possible for a broken community.

With World Water Day just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to start your own mycause campaign. We each have a unique role to play—gifts and talents that are essential to the mission. ( tweet this) This is going to take all of us.

Be creative.

Be bold.

Be involved.

What will you lend to the cause this World Water Day?


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