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For Sponsors4 min read


Check out these back-to-school photos from around the world!

Blog Team
Aug 03, 2021

This past school year was probably the most unusual one that students and teachers had ever experienced! But thanks to the school supplies generous sponsors like you provided last year, boys and girls had everything they needed to keep up with their studies — whether they were learning in the classroom, at home, or online.

Thank you for helping provide essentials like backpacks, uniforms, textbooks, and more for your sponsored child and other kids in need.

Each student received exactly what he or she needed to succeed based on country and grade level. Here are a few examples of school supplies the children received:


Boys and girls at one children’s home in India were able to safely continue their studies in person since everyone stayed on campus and sheltered in place from the virus. At the beginning of the school year, each student received a set of school supplies including essentials like pencils, crayons, pencil boxes, erasers, and pens. Some of the children even received new school uniforms and shoes if they had outgrown them or needed new ones.


More than 150 sponsored children in Nepal received new clothes and shoes at the beginning of the school year. Suku, one mother of five, said the clothes were a tremendous blessing. “Even though I wanted to provide good dress for my children, I was never able to,” she said. “But I am very happy and thankful today because my children get what I have been dreaming for them.” Since some schools in Nepal switched to remote learning and the cost of fees and supplies was lower this year, the sponsorship program was also able to give some leftover funds to the families to help cover extra food and other necessities.


Students in Uganda had a lot to adjust to this school year … not only because of the pandemic, but also because the entire curriculum for secondary schools changed nationwide. This change meant that schools had to purchase new textbooks for every subject. “As always, God’s timing and provision is perfect,” our partner said. “Thanks to you donors, we were able to purchase the textbooks needed as well as dictionaries and atlases for the primary schools.”


Honduras was hit particularly hard by the pandemic, so the children at one school spent a large part of the year learning at home. Because of the gifts from their sponsors, though, they were able to receive homework assignments and school materials every two weeks. When they were finally able to return to the classroom, these gifts also helped provide extra safety measures like masks and sanitizers for the children each morning when they arrived. “We have witnessed God’s love and provision in such significant ways over the past year,” one of the staff members said. “Thank you for being part of those miracles.”  

Thank you for supporting your sponsored child in school and in all things. You can click here if you would like to give another additional gift today to help provide your sponsored child and other kids in need with school supplies. Your support and encouragement are so important for keeping your child’s education on track, especially after a year of so many challenges.

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