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Children of the World2 min read


Children of the World | An Incredible Journey

Jun 16, 2014

It’s been a full four seasons since this year’s Children of the World International Children’s Choir first set foot on American soil, wide-eyed and filled with anticipation of what this new journey would bring.

A year full of song and dance, laughter and adventure, new friendships, new experiences, and endless learning opportunities. Certainly, the children will be returning home forever changed by their time in the U.S.

Children of the World - World Help

Many of the children were surprised to discover how much they enjoyed learning this year. Both in and out the classroom setting, they seemed to absorb information like sponges. After a year of diligent work and support from our team, the children are looking forward to returning to school in their home countries with greater ambition, more self-confidence, and proficiency with the English language.

COTW Space

The children also enjoyed visiting a wide range of museums throughout the country. At the Rocket and Science Center in Huntsville, Alabama, they gained hands-on experience with building model rockets, learning how to fly a spaceship, and even preparing for take-off in the cockpit.

Children of the World Rescue Tour

At the Oregon Zoo, the children were thrilled to stand just feet away from fascinating animals of all shapes and sizes. They enjoyed learning more about wildlife at each exhibit, and they especially loved finding out where they measure up to the size of a bear.

Rescue Tour

After visiting more states than the average American—from majestic mountains to stunning cityscapes, and vast desert sands to feet of glistening snow—the children have surely experienced more than they could have dreamed in a year’s time.

Watch the video below to see more of the children’s journey this year!

Watch Children of the World | 2013 – 2014 Rescue Tour Memory Video from World Help on Vimeo.

However, of all the wonderful experiences the children have had this year, being warmly welcomed by host families has made the greatest impact . . . these are the memories that will always remain close to their hearts. Thank you for your love and support of these incredibly talented children.

Please continue to pray for the children as they readjust to life in their home countries. Our hope and prayer is that they will continue to walk in the knowledge of God’s compassionate love for them and in confidence, knowing that He is capable of doing great things through their lives.

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