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Schedule The Choir

Want to have the Children of the World choir at your church or event?

 Fill out the form below, and a World Help staff member will reach out to you with more information and how to book the choir.

NOTE: We are currently only booking events in the U.S.

I want to express my heart-felt thanks to World Help and the Children of the World choir . . . During the time of worship we felt connected globally as Christians from numerous continents were represented in the room singing the same songs.

Your concert not only blessed us, but stretched us to be better partners in the gospel. I look forward to hosting your group again sometime in the future.

Jeremy Smallwood

Selinsgrove Church of the Nazarene

We were blessed from beginning to end from the time the children arrived on our campus. We thank God for the leadership that traveled with them and the opportunity to get to know the children through this experience. Our people were blessed and their hearts inspired by what they heard, witnessed and saw first hand through the powerful and moving video presentation.

The congregation gave like they have never given before in the history of this church. Thank you for touching their lives and for making an impact on our hearts for a lifetime.

Glen Bohannon

Cool Spring Baptist Church

We're a Christian humanitarian organization serving the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished communities around the world.

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