Meet the Children of the World
The choir is composed of children from our Child Sponsorship Program and has included children from Nepal, Uganda, Brazil, India, and the Philippines. Through the powerful mediums of song, dance, spoken word, and creative media, Children of the World presents the desperate reality of millions of children who cannot speak for themselves. We invite you to learn more about this year’s choir below.
Tyler and Joanna Studley have lived diverse and dynamic lives working, learning, and traveling all around the world. They met in the mountains of Wyoming while working as interns for a Christian outdoor adventure ministry. Now married, they continue to pursue ministry and adventure together and look forward to celebrating their second wedding anniversary while on tour as parents to 14 precious children!
Tyler comes from a family of ten, five of which were adopted from Russia. He has heart for ministry, God’s creation, and good old-fashioned craftsmanship.
Joanna is a passionate athlete and missionary. She has lived all over the U.S. and Germany while being raised in an Air Force family. She also lived in South Africa for over three years playing Top Level soccer as well as coaching soccer at a prison for juveniles.
They are excited to have the opportunity to serve alongside World Help as they lead these children toward a closer relationship with Jesus Christ, and bring awareness to the desperate needs of countless boys and girls around the world.
He wants to be a pastor and loves to play soccer. His favorite verse is Philippians 4:13.
She wants to be a teacher and loves to play volleyball. Her favorite verse is 1 John 4:8.
She wants to be a teacher and loves to play volleyball. Her favorite verse is Jeremiah 29:11.
He wants to be a sailor and loves to play soccer. His favorite verse is 1 Timothy 4:12.
She wants to be a pastor and loves to play. Her favorite verse is 1 Thes 5:16-17.
She wants to be a teacher and loves to play soccer. Her favorite verse is Philippians 4:19.
She wants to be a lawyer and loves to play jump rope. Her favorite verse is Proverbs 3:25-26.
He wants to be a policeman and loves to play soccer. His favorite verse is Acts 3:6.
She wants to be a nurse and loves to play jump rope. Her favorite verse is Matt 7:7.
Ivy Jane
She wants to be a teacher and loves to play UNO cards. Her favorite verse is Proverbs 3:5-6.
He wants to be an engineer and loves to play soccer. His favorite verse is Romans 8:26.
He wants to be a teacher or pilot and loves to play soccer. His favorite verse is 1 Peter 5:7.
She wants to be a teacher and loves to play with dolls. Her favorite verse is John 3:15.
He wants to be a lawyer and loves to play ping-pong. His favorite verse is Proverbs 1:7.
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Inspired by these children’s stories?
Take the next step by seeing them at an upcoming concert or bringing them to your church, school, conference or event.