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Children are suffering — You can help

Blog Team
Sep 05, 2017

Can you see them — the thousands of children starving around the world today?

Can you imagine the little girl in East Africa, sitting on the dusty ground … belly swollen from months without a proper meal? Or the mother in Yemen, staring at scraps of food, knowing there isn’t enough to feed each of her children? Can you picture the grandmother in Haiti … forced to bury her grandson simply because there wasn’t enough food?

Countless boys and girls will go hungry today. And most feel like no one sees or cares about their pain. Will you see them? Will you care?

Without access to nutritious food, that little girl in East Africa will die before she’s even had a chance to grow. In a crowd of millions who are starving, she will remain unseen and unheard. She will become just another statistic.

But God sees her. He hears her cries. And you can be His hands and feet on the ground and provide her with enough food to carry her through the first 1,000 days of her lifeall for just $120.

Those first three years of a child’s life are vital to his future. It’s when he is most vulnerable to death by starvation. And if he manages to survive, a malnourished child will likely spend the rest of his life with stunted growth and impaired cognitive ability. He will struggle in school, struggle to find a job, and struggle to provide food for his own children.

The cycle will never end — something must be done!

You can stop it today. You can see the child in a sea of millions. For as little as $120, you can give him or her food for nearly three years. You can give a chance for a different future.


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