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China 2.5

China 2.5


The Need

The explosion of the Gospel in China is no secret. Today, it has the fastest growing Christian population in the world—an estimated 100 million believers—with thousands of nationals coming to know Christ on a daily basis. This is a pivotal time for China’s spiritual future, and together we can make an impact today that will help define its tomorrow.

However, the rapid growth of this movement in China has produced an overwhelming need for spiritual nurturing, but a comparatively slow growth of resources. This tragedy has resulted in many new believers who lack depth in their personal relationships with Christ. World Help has seen the need for not only the Gospel, but nurturing resources for new believers as well.

More than ever, China needs Bibles, churches, and competent Christian leaders.

Our Method

World Help has established a tested model of effectively spreading the Gospel—China 2.5. This strategic development aims to touch the lives of 2.5 million Chinese people with the power of the Gospel, while giving them the resources they need for continued growth.

Through China 2.5, we support church planters and key leaders of the house church movement, while training young leaders in effective and Biblical methodology. Currently, China 2.5 donors are giving to fund Bible distribution, individual church planters, Bible schools, and leadership training conventions throughout the country. And the results of these investments have been incredible.

Our involvement in these types of ministries is bearing results that echo into eternity.

The Results

Along with the efforts of like-minded donors, World Help is working to supply China with an abundance of resources needed for spiritual growth. Through the work of faithful supporters, we have seen thousands of churches planted, millions of Bibles distributed, the training of visionary leaders, and an inestimable number of people changed by the redemptive power of God.

By investing heavily in China’s evangelical movement, we are helping to strengthen its progress toward continued spiritual development. But there must be urgency to our work: Now is the time to capitalize on this nation’s forward momentum.

Will you join World Help in making a difference that will make an eternal impact on generations to come?


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