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Chinese Christians face increasing wave of persecution

Rachel Godwin
Oct 26, 2018

The underground church in China is facing the worst persecution it has seen in years.

In one Chinese province alone, local authorities recently destroyed more than 7,000 crosses, burned Bibles, and arrested Christians.

Vernon Brewer, World Help founder and CEO, recently appeared on CBN News to discuss the increasing hostility toward Christ-followers and how we as the global church can help:

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This past September, Zion Church — Beijing’s largest non-government church — was forcibly closed after it refused to install government security cameras in the sanctuary.

Many smaller house churches have been completely destroyed. Our partner in China said most of these churches met in people’s actual homes, and when they were raided, everything was taken. He said some families weren’t even left with a single pan for cooking.

Such blatant religious discrimination was unheard of just a few years ago when persecution came in more subtle forms, such as heavy surveillance or pastors being called in to “chat” with local authorities.

China’s constitution technically guarantees religious freedom. But this past February, the country introduced new crackdowns on Christians as part of a move to align religion with Chinese characteristics.”

So why is this happening now?

Religious watch groups estimate there are as many as 100 million Protestants in China, and the country is projected to have the world’s largest Christian population in just a few decades. That makes believers a threat to a government that demands loyalty to party above all else.

But Chinese Christians aren’t backing down. In fact, hundreds of church leaders have been very vocal, speaking out against the government’s mistreatment of believers. Few have been so public with their disapproval up to this point, and they are putting themselves at tremendous risk of becoming a prime target by doing so.

Our partner wrote, “Please pray for our brothers and sisters in China daily for at least a month from today; even a two-minute prayer will help.”

With International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church coming up on Nov. 4, now is the perfect time to commit to daily prayer for China.

But Chinese Christians aren’t asking for prayers that the persecution will stop — only that they will stay strong in their faith in the face of abuse.

And they are also praying for one other thing: Bibles.

The Bible is blocked on China’s Internet, so believers can’t read it online. And unless they are registered members of a state-sanctioned church, they can’t buy one of the few copies for sale in select bookstores.

Now, more than ever, Chinese Christians need the comfort of God’s Word. And for just $5, you can place a Bible in the hands of one persecuted Chinese believer.

Our partners have been secretly distributing Bibles to Chinese underground churches for more than 20 years … but they need your help.

“China will never have enough Bibles!” they said. The need is still incredibly great.

Please rush at least one copy of God’s Word to a Chinese Christian today — for just $5. 

The increasing persecution is doubtful to end anytime soon, so believers are desperate to grow their faith by reading Scripture. That way they will be prepared to bravely stand for Christ even when the worst oppression comes.


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