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Christians in These 4 Countries are Desperate for Bibles!

Megan Stoia
Sep 26, 2024

I’ll never forget the first time I received my own Bible.

I was 7 years old and had just been baptized. I was so excited to read God’s Word and grow in my relationship with Christ! Every time I opened it, I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.  

Through the years, my Bible has carried me through the happiest and hardest times in my life — and it’s probably done the same for you.

But can you imagine trying to follow Christ without God’s Word? Would you be able to find hope in your lowest moments without reading the Gospel?

This is the harsh reality for many Christians around the globe who can’t easily access the Bible, whether because of persecution or simply because they can’t afford to buy one. Others live in areas that are so remote, there’s not even a store nearby that carries Bibles. Here are four countries in desperate need of Scripture:

North Korea

North Koreans need food and Bibles
Our partners have 20+ years’ of experience smuggling Bibles to the underground church

North Korea is the most dangerous country on earth to follow Christ. Owning a Bible can lead to torture, life imprisonment in labor camps, or even death for Christians and their family members.

But that doesn’t stop North Koreans from asking for copies of God’s Word! They’re desperately waiting for someone like you to help send Bibles into the country through the underground church.


You can help persecuted Christians in India
Translating Scripture into someone’s native language will bring them closer to Christ

In May 2023, Hindu extremists attacked Christian communities in Manipur, India — and tensions continue to rise. More than 60,000 people lost their homes, their churches, and their livelihoods.

Now more than ever, our brothers and sisters in India need the comfort found through God’s Word … but many of them lost their Bibles during the attacks and can’t get a new one.


Christians in Northern Nigeria need Bibles
The Gospel will help persecuted believers in Nigeria forgive their oppressors

Christ followers living in northern Nigeria live in constant fear of attacks by Islamic extremist groups like Fulani herdsmen and Boko Haram. Their properties are destroyed, and loved ones are frequently abducted or slaughtered.

As the violence continues to escalate, Nigerian Christians are praying for Bibles to bring peace to their troubled hearts. While it’s not illegal to own God’s Word in Nigeria, copies of Scripture are difficult to find.


Ukrainian refugees need help and hope found in the Gospel
Bibles will provide hope for a better future to refugees and displaced people in Ukraine

There are currently 3.7 million internally displaced people in Ukraine and more than 6.7 million refugees throughout Eastern Europe. After two and a half years of war and no end in sight, Ukrainians are losing hope that they’ll ever return home.

Many Ukrainians had to leave their Bibles behind when they fled and now can’t afford a new one, while others have encountered Christ for the first time since the war started. Ukrainian refugees and displaced people urgently need to experience the love of God, as well as the supernatural peace and comfort only found in His Word.

The good news is that the World Help family distributes Bibles in these four countries and others where it’s difficult to get a copy.

Your $30 gift will send three people their very own Bible. And since God’s Word is often shared among friends and family, every Bible will impact around five people!

Will you help spread God’s Word to the ends of the earth?


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