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Spiritual Development1 min read


Church Buildings | Equipping Christian Communities

Melissa Schultz
Jan 22, 2016

Church buildings come in all shapes and sizes.

Houses, huts, community centers, basements, school auditoriums, back yards, or cathedrals—for centuries Christians have found unique and unconventional places to worship. The diversity of our church buildings reflects the diversity of the people of God. Young or old, large or small, rich or poor . . . everyone is welcome before Christ.

Nepal Church Buildings - World Help

And though we know the church is not a physical building—the church is the body of believers—many communities around the world don’t have an adequate place to gather together and worship God.

We believe one of the most effective ways of sharing the Gospel is by empowering nationals to reach their peers. Our model is simple: Equip native church planters and Christian leaders with the tools they need to reach into the very heart of their communities and ultimately their countries.

Forty-one-year-old pastor Hugo Ruano told us about how the church building we provided was an answer to prayers in his village of Los Achiotes, Guatemala.


When I arrived in this community, there wasn’t a place for the people who came together to praise God. They had a place before but during the winter season everyone would get wet, and the conditions weren’t suitable. God blessed us, and now we have a very cozy formal church. God really does wonders if you have faith. We prayed to the Lord for so long, and the Lord replied and greatly blessed the people who made this project possible with so much love, giving us the help we needed. We know that God will reward them for what they have done, and I want them to have complete certainty that this will bless many people.

The church currently has 45 active members and is continuing to grow as many children, teens, and adults come to hear the Word of God regularly. The congregation has also begun evangelizing in the surrounding villages and trust God to bring more people into His Kingdom.

Church Buildings_India

For these Christians, the building you helped provide not only gives them a meaningful place of worship, but is also a tangible symbol of God’s presence in their community.

Will you partner with us in supporting church planters around the world? Your investment will equip Christians to reach their communities with the Gospel like never before!



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