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Church Collapses, Believers Perish in the Rubble

Vernon Brewer
Jun 23, 2015

It was Saturday morning on April 25 . . . moments before the first massive earthquake shook the nation of Nepal.

Seventy-five Christ followers were worshipping in Babu Church on the outskirts of Kathmandu. While their voices were lifted up in prayer and song, the building began to collapse.

Forty-five believers were buried in the rubble . . . their lives extinguished in an instant. Those who survived were terribly injured.


Nine-year-old Adhers’ entire family—his mother, grandparents, and brother—were inside the church when it collapsed. Tragically, Adher’s grandmother was lost beneath the debris. In one moment, this little boy’s life changed forever.


The loss these survivors of Babu church are experiencing is unimaginable. Their loved ones are gone. Their house of worship is utterly destroyed. Their fellowship has almost completely dissolved.

I’m pleading with you to stand with me in rebuilding the churches of Nepal.

Watch this video now to see more from ground zero:

According to our international partners, there are at least 1,000 churches like Babu that were completely devastated by the earthquakes. These believers are grief-stricken and desperate.

Imagine the hope you could bring them by giving them a place to gather and to heal.


With only a very small percentage of the population identifying as Christ followers, the impact of the earthquake on the Christian population has been catastrophic. As we speak, the very future of Christianity in this nation is at stake . . . so we must respond generously and we must respond now!

I beg you, join me today in rebuilding the churches of Nepal, starting in Babu Village . . . one brick, one wall, one dollar at a time.



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