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Where Needed Most3 min read


Cold and Hunger: Every Parent’s Worst Nightmare

Blog Team
Feb 08, 2024


Every parent knows that raising children is a huge responsibility. But imagine having to raise children when you don’t have food to give them, clothes to keep them warm, or medical care when they get sick.

In Ukraine, countless parents must make ends meet with little to no essentials, all while a war is raging in their country. Marianna is one of them.

Your $12 will provide winter essentials for one person in need!
Marianna and her family are facing a frigid and dangerous winter

Ongoing food shortages and a lack of basic services mean that Marianna and her family often go without essentials. But even if these supplies were readily available, they wouldn’t be able to afford them. Marianna’s husband suffered debilitating injuries in a car accident and hasn’t been able to work to make ends meet since then.

Without a steady source of income, Marianna doesn’t know how she will feed their many children. She also worries about how the ongoing war has affected them. It’s all Marianna and her family can do to make it through each day.

Thanks to our generous supporters, they receive food packages from our partner’s center in Ukraine. The children also attend art therapy classes there, giving them a place to relax, have fun, and connect with others.

But Marianna and her children aren’t the only ones who need help — others in Ukraine and all around the world are also desperate for help and hope.

Struggling families in places like Ukraine and Afghanistan are taking it one day at a time, just trying to stay alive. Children around the world are suffering from illnesses related to malnutrition and exposure to frigid temperatures. Persecuted Christians in countries like North Korea are fighting for their lives without essentials like food and God’s Word.

Your $12 will provide winter essentials for one person in need!
With your support, people in need can have hope for a brighter future

When you give to provide lifesaving supplies this winter, you’ll also provide hope for a better tomorrow … one where families don’t have to worry where their next meal will come from, where children can dream of the future instead of worrying about how they will get through today, and where countless lives are transformed by help and hope.

Just $12 will provide essentials like food, warm clothing, God’s Word, and more for one person suffering this winter in Ukraine or another country. With this gift, you can be the hands and feet of Jesus to people just like Marianna and her family.

Many men, women, and children can’t afford to wait another moment for help to arrive. Please give as generously as you can today.


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