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Middle East2 min read


Darkness will never overcome the light

Melissa Schultz
Jun 06, 2017

Our modern world is filled with incredible darkness, and global connectivity means that news reports and disturbing images of evil and suffering are just a few clicks away.

And yet, despite growing awareness, it’s easier than ever to close our hearts to the hurt, pain, and suffering of others. Especially if we feel powerless to help.

The good news is this: the darkness has already been defeated through Jesus Christ. And while we wait for His return, we’re called to roll up our sleeves and get to work pouring love into the darkest places.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5, NIV)

There’s no denying that the Middle Eastern refugee crisis will go down in history as one of the greatest humanitarian disasters. Families have been ripped apart, children have been orphaned, and communities have literally burned to the ground.

But rather than feeling helpless, let’s become empowered to love fiercely and strategically in a historic time of hatred.

More than ever, the Middle East needs the healing, love, support, and stability that the body of Christ has to offer … that you can offer.

Your gift of $35 today will help mend the broken lives of persecuted, shattered, and traumatized refugees through lifesaving supplies, medical care, and so much more.

You will offer hope to a child who has never experienced life outside of a refugee camp. You will breathe life into a mourning mother’s soul. You will give solidarity to a man who lost everything he holds dear.

Today, be the light shining in one of the darkest places on earth. Give practical help and eternal hope to a refugee in need.


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