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From the Field2 min read


Day Two: A Vision for Zimbabwe

Vernon Brewer
Jan 18, 2013

My friend Albert Mavunga is changing the world.

Albert is a native Zimbabwean and a recent graduate of my alma mater Liberty University—one of World Help’s first supporters. Since the very beginning, Liberty has been on the frontlines of the mission field, empowering graduates, like Albert, who are serving the poor and disenfranchised around the world.

Liberty is leading the way in generosity and involvement: sending students to serve genocide survivors in Rwanda, funding water projects in several different countries, and raising money to build schools.

It was at Liberty that Albert decided to dedicate his life to the children of his home country, Zimbabwe.

Albert is one of the most joyful, passionate, and hardworking young persons I know. His vision for a better Zimbabwe starts with enabling the next generation of children to invest in their communities and, in turn, their nation.

Today, Albert introduced me to hundreds of children that he cares for through the help of World Help sponsors at the Bulawayo School in Zimbabwe. We partner with Albert to provide care for the hundreds of children here and to support sustainable development for the surrounding community through farming projects.

Below is a short video clip of Bulawayo School:

Africa 2013 Day Two: School Outreach from World Help on Vimeo.

We dedicated causelife wells generously provided by the Land and Foster families. Now the priceless gift of clean water is available to thousands! The children were thrilled about the new wells—they even broke out into a song of celebration. It was unforgettable.

Here’s a little bit of the excitement caught on camera:

Africa 2013 Day Two: Well Dedication from World Help on Vimeo.

Without a doubt, the best part of the trip was seeing the transformation that has taken place in the lives of these children. They were smiling and laughing just like normal kids—you would never know that many were AIDS orphans.

That’s how I know that Albert’s vision is succeeding—I can see hope in the children here. Not only is he providing food, water, and education, Albert is sharing the good news of Jesus every chance he gets. You can see it on their faces—these children believe in a better future because they have experienced God’s love.

Day two on the ground has been incredible . . . I can’t wait for tomorrow.

Well funded by Jim and Rachel Land

This new well, provided by Jim and Rachel Land, is a safe source of drinking water for more than 1,000 people.

Well funded by the causelife invitational hosted by Kevin and Pam Foster

Visited one of the wells funded by the causelife golf tournament, organized by Kevin and Pam Foster.

Chickens provided by Gifts of Hope

Investing in Zimbabwe includes sustainable projects like this chicken run. Learn more at Gifts of Hope.

School and Children supported by Liberty University

These World Help-sponsored students have the opportunity to attend a new school and look forward to a brighter future.


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