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Spiritual Development2 min read


Do you remember this song from VBS?

Kelsey Campbell
May 23, 2018
“My God is so big, so strong, and so mighty! There’s nothing my God cannot do!”

When I sing those lyrics to my nephew, Emerson, he stops crying. He looks at me, and I can tell he’s listening. One day when he’s older, he’ll be able to sing along with me.

Even though he’s still a toddler, Emerson’s life has already been influenced by Vacation Bible School.

You may have learned the lyrics to that song as a child — just as I did. I’ll never forget them because we sang that song every year at VBS. I even remember most of the hand motions!

Even now, decades later, the fundamental truths that God is strong and sovereign are forever embedded in my mind and engraved on my heart. That’s the powerful influence of Vacation Bible School in a child’s life. Bible stories we learned, songs we sang, and even crafts we made become some of our most cherished memories.

Right now, there are children in India who will never know that joy. They will never experience the love and caring of Christian VBS leaders. They’ll never know the fun of learning about characters in the Bible through song. Worst of all, they may never know Jesus Christ since most live in communities practicing Hinduism.

But you can change that! This summer, you can send four children from the Indian slums to VBS — all it takes is $20.

There they’ll sing songs, play games receive food, and hear how much a man named Jesus loves them. The songs and messages they hear during those three days have the potential to change their lives forever.

Just like a song stuck in your head, what you learn as a child stays with you. And it’s that biblical foundation we learn at VBS that comforts us as adults, even during our darkest times.

I know Emerson will attend Vacation Bible School one day when he’s old enough. He’ll have fun, learn more about Jesus, and make lasting memories. But children living in the slums of India don’t have that same privilege. For just $20, you can improve the lives — and the future — of four children by sending them to VBS this summer.

Your gift will help provide Bible story materials, food, and workbooks for the kids. And they’ll be able to use the songs they learn and their workbook to share Jesus with their friends and family. Can you imagine how many people your $20 gift can reach with the Gospel?

You know how important it is for your children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews to attend VBS. Will you give that same chance to four more children on the other side of the world?

Let them know that God is big, strong, mighty, and that there’s nothing He cannot do for them.


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