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Advocacy1 min read


Doing What You Do Best

Blog Team
Apr 16, 2011

When one of our World Help board members Harvey Saarloos came to us with the idea of hosting a 5K/10K Thanksgiving Turkey Trot for causelife, we were both thrilled and intrigued by the possibility. But we also had a question: Would people really be willing to give up their Thanksgiving morning for clean water?

As it turned out, over 650 people were willing and excited to make a difference. Moms with strollers, teenagers on long boards, and runners of all levels hit the Huntington Beach boardwalk with festive turkey feathers, causelife t-shirts, and undiminished enthusiasm for the clean water cause.

Thanks to Harvey and the race participants, over 1,300 people will be able to have clean water for the next 20 years. The results are remarkable, but the original idea was simple: Harvey just did what he does best. His passion for clean water, coupled with his event-savvy experience, was able to naturally influence his own circle of friends, family, and community in a truly authentic way. Harvey’s best was so inspiring, board member Robin Chilton also hosted a Turkey Trot in her own community of Ridgefield in beautiful Washington state. Along with Harvey, she plans to make the causelife Turkey Trot a new Thanksgiving tradition.

What about you? What do you do best?

Are you a golfer, a college student, or a stay-at-home mom? We need you too. Maybe you’d like to host a Turkey Trot of your own this Thanksgiving. This is the time to start planning! We’d love to help you out with the details and answer your questions along the way. Simply contact us via email at or call toll free 800-541-6691 so we can help you get started.

Here’s a video Harvey and his team put together with coverage of the race day. It’s a great dose of inspiration to start your own creative fundraiser for clean water.


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