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Change someone’s life with cryptocurrency

World Help now accepts cryptocurrency!

You have many options when it comes to giving to help save people’s lives — including donating cryptocurrency.

Your donation of cryptocurrency will be used to help where needed most. That means it will automatically help people in the most urgent situations.

When disaster strikes, your gift can provide a family with critical relief. When a child is starving, you can provide food just in time. You’ll provide God’s Word to persecuted Christians worldwide. And when someone is sick or in desperate need of medical care, your gift of cryptocurrency can help make sure he gets the attention he needs.

Donate today to help meet people’s most immediate physical and spiritual needs.

Who are we?

World Help is a Christian humanitarian organization serving the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished communities around the world.

Tax Benefits of Donating Cryptocurrency

Donating cryptocurrency is considered a “non-taxable event,” meaning you won’t owe capital gains tax on the appreciated amount. Plus, you can deduct the value of your crypto gift on your taxes just like you would any other donation.

So for example, if you bought your crypto for $10 and it’s now worth $20, you can donate that crypto and you won’t have to pay taxes on how much you’ve gained. If you converted it first to cash before donating, you would have to pay. You can also deduct the full $20 the next time you file your taxes, and you can be assured that your full $20 is going toward helping people in need.

Impact a life today with your donation of crypto

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