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Emailed Card Options

Choose your e-card below and click the button to enter your personalized greeting.

Send Your E-Card

Sending an e-card is a quick, thoughtful way to let someone know you have given a gift in his or her honor. You can even customize your e-card by choosing from several fun designs!


What exactly is an "e-card"?

An e-card is a personalized message sent through email. It lets that special person in your life know that you have given a life-changing gift in his or her honor. Plus, it saves time and postage!

How do I send an e-card?

Click the “Let’s Get Started” button on the left of your screen.

Choose a design template.

Enter your loved one’s email address.

Write a personalized message.

Can I schedule my e-card to be sent at a later date?

Yes! Once you fill out your e-card, select to send it that day or choose a later date.

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