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Aid and Relief1 min read


Ecuador Earthquake Victims Fight to Survive

Blog Team
Apr 21, 2016

Over 500 are dead and hundreds more are missing following the most devastating earthquake to strike the nation of Ecuador in 30 years. Widespread damage has left an estimated 4,000 homeless and in dire need of continued aid and relief.

Yesterday morning, a 6.2 magnitude aftershock struck the affected area once again, only confounding the trauma of earthquake survivors. Your ongoing support is still critically needed to sustain these men, women, and children with life-saving supplies.

In what seemed like a breath, thousands have been left to wander the streets in shock and disbelief, or sit expressionless next to the mountains of rubble they once called home. Hopelessness and grief weigh heavily in the air.

Today, you can reach into this paralyzing grief and provide one earthquake survivor with the supplies they need to survive—food, water, hygiene items, basic medicine, and more. Your generosity can help one survivor begin to hope again.

We received the tragic news from our partner that a local church in Pedernales collapsed during the earthquake, killing the pastor, his daughter, and several members of the congregation. Others are still missing.


Please continue to pray for those who are grief-stricken and extremely vulnerable. Your faithful support is breathing hope into unimaginable circumstances.

And please continue to give. You can provide vital relief supplies to an earthquake survivor in the heart of this devastated region.

Today, your compassion can make an incredible difference for a survivor on the edge of despair . . . you can help bring hope into the midst of this crisis, one survivor at a time.



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