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Crisis in Ecuador: Urgent Response Needed

Blog Team
Apr 17, 2016

Hundreds are dead, thousands injured, and widespread devastation have been caused by the largest earthquake to strike the nation of Ecuador in more than 30 years.

Right now, an immediate outpouring of aid and relief is essential in the communities hardest hit. Please consider giving life-saving supplies to those in dire need.

The massive 7.8-magnitude quake ripped through the northern reaches of the nation on Saturday, triggering deadly shockwaves during dinnertime.

In only a matter of moments, entire buildings were reduced to rubble, bridges collapsed, and lives spiraled into chaos.


As the death toll rises, the frenzied search for survivors buried beneath the rubble is underway, but aid and relief for the injured and those impacted by the disaster remains of utmost importance.

It’s vital we respond, and it’s critical we do so quickly—every moment is precious during these early hours of crisis response.

Here’s how you can intervene:

  • Provide Aid. World Help partners in the region are mobilized and strategically responding by providing relief to those affected by the disaster—meeting the critical needs of these survivors. Your financial support will provide staples like water, food, medical supplies, and shelter to those most impacted by the quake . . . those struggling to survive.
  • Please Pray. We ask that you pray for those at the heart of this disaster—families grieving loss, survivors, and the hard-working search and rescue teams. Pray specifically for our partner network in the region, who must respond appropriately and efficiently amidst the full force of this tragic disaster.

In the coming hours and days, the full extent of the damage will be clear. But, one thing is certain at this point: Thousands of families have lost everything and are in absolute need of emergency assistance.

Please respond.

We are asking you to intervene in the midst of this humanitarian catastrophe as generously as you can.

Your gift of any amount to our Crisis Relief Fund will go directly to provide aid and relief to those in desperate need in Ecuador.

Please provide hope on behalf of those who are suffering unimaginable loss. And please, please pray for the Ecuadorian people.

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