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Advocacy3 min read


Emergency Shipments Needed In Middle East

Vernon Brewer
Feb 11, 2015

Officials from the Islamic State turned up and said to the children, ‘Say the words that you will follow Mohammed.’ The children, four of them all under the age of 15, said, ‘No, we love Yesua, we have always loved Yesua. We have always followed Yesua and Yesua has always been with us.’ [The soldiers] demanded, ‘Say the words.’ The children said, ‘No, we can’t.’ Their heads were chopped off! How do you respond to that? You just cry. 

— Canon Andrew White, Vicar of Bagdad and World Help Aid and Relief Partner

The persecuted believers of Iraq are in desperate need of our help.

Under ISIS’s control, they have been driven from their homes and are left with nothing: No way to earn money, no way to buy food, no access to clean water, medicine, or winter clothing for their children.

This is the horrific nightmare that 13 million people are trapped in as a result of the Syrian and Iraqi conflicts.

Iraqi refugees fight for their lives

Today, we must help. We must raise our voices for the forgotten people of the Middle East . . . and for our brothers and sisters in Christ . . . before plummeting winter temperatures claim the lives of thousands more.

World Help is preparing to ship multiple containers of life-saving humanitarian aid to these refugees struggling to survive the endless massacre of ISIS.

For every dollar you give, World Help is able to ship an average of $33 of life-saving supplies to refugees in need . . . imagine the impact!

  • A gift of $250 provides $8,250 in aid and relief
  • A gift of $500 provides $16,500 in aid and relief
  • A gift of $1,500 provides $49,500 in aid and relief
  • A gift of $5,000 provides $165,000 in aid and relief

It is important to understand that many of these refugees fled their homes in the summer and have no warm clothing in their possession. Many children are barefoot, barelegged, without as much as a long-sleeved shirt in below-freezing temperatures. Every single moment is sheer misery.

Iraqi refugees

Reports are already coming in of refugee babies freezing to death from the cold. Many more are expected to perish in the weeks ahead. In Syria and Iraq, temperatures at this time of year can drop to as low as -4 degrees Fahrenheit.

Can you imagine sleeping every night in a canvas tent on the frozen mud—your children stiff from cold, shivering uncontrollably, and crying out in pain? It seems almost impossible to fathom . . . but it’s happening every single day to millions of innocent people!

I’ve personally been in these camps, walking and talking with the refugees . . . and the conditions are absolutely deplorable. Raw sewage, constant disease, tents crammed with families who haven’t eaten a meal in days . . . utter hopelessness. But I also know what a difference a package of supplies can make.

Mass Iraqi displacement

Just imagine what we could do together . . . one container of aid can impact as many as 15,000 lives!

Some have told me that we’re wasting our time—that there is no way we can possibly make a difference in the lives of so many when the odds are so overwhelming.

But let me ask you this: What if all it took to save a child’s life was a warm meal . . . a glass of water . . . a warm winter coat . . . a place to sleep? And what if by providing something as simple as this you could offer a glimpse of hope in the name of Jesus? That’s exactly what you are doing by investing in these containers . . . you are giving the Iraqi people a second chance to hope.

Iraqi refugee child

I urge you to join me today in responding to this great need. Give generously. Pray with urgency. And always, always remember the man, woman, or child whose life will never be the same because you decided to act.

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