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Child Sponsorship1 min read


Encourage Spiritual Development through Correspondence

Amanda Mattingly
Jul 19, 2013

Sponsorship is making a lasting difference in the lives of thousands of children around the world. Through the faithful support of so many, these children receive basic necessities, a quality education, and the opportunity to learn more about God’s compassionate love.

The children love to hear from their sponsors through cards, letters, and packages . . . which they consider a treasured possession. Even if you have never written a letter to your sponsored child before, today is a great day to begin!

Central African Republic

We ask that you share your prayers with your child to show them they are a real part of your prayer life.

For our God shall supply all your needs. I pray that you will be used mightily by the Lord.” —Stephanie Vick, a sponsor from Virginia

We pray you are doing well in school and are growing up to be a strong young man. The most important area to grow strong in is your faith in Jesus.” —The Murrays, sponsors from Virginia

You can also encourage your child to stay strong in God’s Word by sharing Bible verses or even inspirational passages. One of our sponsors copied pages from a devotional book—passages she thought would be especially meaningful to her sponsored child, along with a small gift. This was a great way to build their relationship while also encouraging spiritual development, an integral part of your sponsorship commitment.

Most important . . . pray for your sponsored child daily. Expand your sponsorship beyond $35 a month by offering up prayers on their behalf and encouraging them in their faith.

Child Sponsorship

Sponsorship is truly providing these children with the physical resources they need on a daily basis while also investing in their futures by sharing the love of God. It is through Christ that they find hope . . . Hope for tomorrow . . . Hope for a more promising future . . . Hope that will last for eternity.

Send a card, letter, or gift to your sponsored child today. Let them know you care and are thinking about them. And please pray for them. Your involvement in their spiritual development will make an eternal difference.

If you’ve never made the decision to invest in sponsorship, begin your commitment to provide help for today and hope for tomorrow to a child in need.



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