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Church Engagement1 min read


Want some encouragement? See how God is at work …

Melissa Schultz
Jul 16, 2017

Seventeen years ago, Nancy Dunn attended a Children of the World International Children’s Choir concert and was so moved by their performance that she made a decision to raise funds to build a church in India.

But she never imagined the incredible impact that decision would make — or how God would use this church to reach one of the darkest places on earth with the Gospel.

Our partner church, Covenant Church, shared this video with us:

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Members of Nancy’s church recently traveled to India to work with church planters. While there, the team searched for the 17-year-old church building using old pictures … but couldn’t find it.

After driving past the church several times, they finally realized the small church looked different because it had expanded! This same church also planted 14 other churches in the area.

“[Hearing about the church], it was as though God said, ‘I’ve got this covered. I am growing my church. You continue to be obedient to me, and my faithfulness will see that what you are giving will be taken and will be used for good for the Kingdom of God,’” said Nancy.

It’s amazing to see how God used one of our partner churches to transform an entire community for Christ!

Plant a church today — your impact will empower nationals to reach their people with the Gospel. It’s something that will outlive you and last for eternity!

<center> Plant a church

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